Create online professional portfolios


Never before was it so easy for a graphic designer to share their work and create networking relationships with other designers and businesses. Remember? Previously, it was very complex, in addition to expensive, that design sketches, print and create countless paper portfolios to leave from company to company and wait with fingers crossed an opportunity.

But with the Internet this is already more than the past, graphic designers now have several tools to create professional online portfolios with which to share and showcase their work, find inspiration and why not? get the company of your dreams fall in love with what you do and hire us. 

The handicap? That in this world there are so many designers and overall very good. But that’s no problem, because the important thing is to focus on doing innovative work with its own essence.

And how I teach the world? Calm down, in this post we show five platforms where you can create your own professional portfolio.

1. Pixpa

This is not just another portfolio web. Pixpa has it all. And no mather if you are new at this or already have a great portfolio, this tool teaches you how to achieve the perfect result for what you are looking for. Besides, it is very intuitive.

And we just said it has it all because it is absolutely true. From having a free first year of your web domain, which is very important, to the easiest way to start blogging. And it has the greatest data tool so you can analyze your own content and give your clients the feedback they need because yes, you can sell your own products from here too. What are you waiting for?

2. Carbonmade

It’s a platform with a  moder aesthetic and a very elegant feel thanks to the elements used.

The navegation is very intuitive and allows you to create a structured portfolio. The free version lets you choose from different themes but it is true that the options are a bit basic.

However, if you enjoy with this tool you can opt for a paid version from 9 euros that allows you, among other options, can publish galleries with hundred images each, customize navigation or have a higher quality videos. Moreover, Carbonmade allows you gossiping between the work of other designers. Get Inspired!

3. Dunked

Dunked is one of the best tools to design and customize your portfolio. With a minimalist aesthetic, Dunked allows you to test all your skills in creativity and originality. The navigation is very intuitive and each template is fully responsive and will adapt itself to any mobile or tablet device (Apple, Android or Windows).

So, you don’t have limitations sources, or color palette or other design aspects. You can upload images, videos or audios, too. Really cool: It is possible to use HTML y CC code for creating your personal portfolio.

Dunked also offers others options such as: a web analytics, self-control and SEO optimized. And everything is wonderful? Not really. The main problem is that this tool only offers a free version of ten days, while your portfolio is not public. Then, if you want to publish your project you have to make a payment account. But the truth is that if you are interested in this type of tools, it ’s a good choice.

4. Squarespace

Can we say that Squarespace is the best one at selling? Maybe we can. Their designs are impossible not to look at and are adapted to the latest actual trends.

Their tools are very useful and aesthetic at the same time. So the results are very visual portfolios that are easy to navigate and easy to sell. It also helps you to communicate your work thanks to their social media template and email tools. Having all in one is always great, right?

5. Krop

A good choice if you want to create a neutral and elegant portfolio, although like most tools free version has significant limitations that are solved with the paid version. As Dunked in terms of services, you can opt to own domain, access to Google Analytics or connections to external services like Instagram or Dropbox.

Among the most outstanding options, Krop help download your portfolio in PDF format and design it according to criteria of usability and responsive web. In addition, it also works as a creative platform where you can share your projects and display the work of other artists.

6. Dribbble

Dribbbe is not just a tool to create a portfolio. Truly, it is a community created for graphic designers. A space to show screenshots of their work, process and different projects. A great option where you can show your designs, promote them and create networking. The most interesting of this site is its search system divided into various categories such as designers, projects, collections or tags.

One of their most interesting facts is that they have a blog where you can check the trends and participate uploading your own content and interact with other creators. Inpiring yourself here is very easy!

Do not just be like everyone else, find your own personality to tell the world who you are and what you do. Don’t worry, it’s easy.

  • August 15, 2022
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