What Skills Do You Need for a Design Course?


So, what skills do you need to thrive in a Design course? Here are some of the most crucial ones that you will need in order to perform well in a course in Design.

(a) Strong attention to detail

Design is a particularly meticulous field. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself among a group of hardcore perfectionists as your coursemates in a Design course.

If you’ve tried your hand at design before, you’ll realise that slight changes can bring significant changes to your visuals. So, be ready to find yourself paying intense attention to your visual assignments, from colour codes down to pixel counts.

Important Note: Being able to just draw and be creative on paper may not be enough in Design. You’re also required to be fairly competent with utilising the latest design software such as InDesignIllustratorAutodesk and many others.

(b) Ability to work odd hours and under a lot of pressure

Short deadlines, impractical demands and countless amendments.

These could possibly be your typical daily routine as a design student, and more so as a working designer. You’ll find yourself constantly struggling to draw the line between your creativity and rigid requirements set by your clients.

And unless you can decide when your creative eureka hits you, do expect to continuously toil with your Illustrator under stress at unusual hours.

(c) Ability to adapt to ever-changing trends

One of the more important traits being a design student is to be able to keep up with the trends, or even better, foresee trends.

With the creative industry constantly changing, a strong initiative to learn and an experimental attitude will certainly be a plus! Allow yourself to constantly embrace change and always keep a blank canvas so that your work will not turn habitual.

Remember that being authentic is essential in design.

  • July 23, 2022
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