Celebrating Innovation and Originality on World Graphic Design Day


It is said that there is a day for almost everything. That even beach towels have a day in honor to themselves and that there are some of them that are really useless. People no longer know where to get festivities from even if they don’t make any sense. Well…today is not one of those days!

Celebrating World Graphic Design Day: A Tribute to Creativity and Innovation

Every year on April 27th, the world comes together to celebrate World Graphic Design Day. This special day is dedicated to recognizing the profound impact of graphic design on our daily lives, our cultures, and our societies. From the logos that define our favorite brands to the websites we navigate and the posters that capture our attention, graphic design is everywhere, shaping our visual experiences and influencing our perceptions. Let’s delve into the significance of this day and explore how it honors the creativity, innovation, and dedication of graphic designers around the globe.

The Origin and Purpose of World Graphic Design Day

World Graphic Design Day was established by the International Council of Design (ico-D), formerly known as the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda). The date, April 27th, marks the founding of ico-D in 1963. The council aimed to create a day to celebrate the role of graphic designers in communication and the creative industry, highlighting their contributions to society, culture, and the economy.

The purpose of World Graphic Design Day is multifaceted:

  • Recognition: To acknowledge the work of graphic designers and the value they bring to various sectors.
  • Awareness: To raise awareness about the importance of graphic design in everyday life and its impact on global communication.
  • Inspiration: To inspire designers to continue pushing the boundaries of creativity and innovation.
  • Education: To educate the public about the principles and processes behind effective graphic design.

The Role of Graphic Design in Society

Graphic design is more than just creating aesthetically pleasing visuals; it’s about effective communication. Good design simplifies complex information, engages audiences, and drives action. Here are some key roles graphic design plays in society:

  1. Brand Identity and Recognition
  • Graphic design is crucial in building brand identity. Logos, color schemes, typography, and overall visual style help create a distinctive image for companies and organizations, making them recognizable and memorable.
  1. Information Dissemination
  • Infographics, brochures, websites, and other design elements help communicate information clearly and effectively. Whether it’s a public health campaign or educational materials, design plays a key role in how information is perceived and understood.
  1. Cultural Representation
  • Design reflects and shapes cultural identities. From traditional art forms to modern digital graphics, design is a medium through which cultures express their uniqueness and evolve over time.
  1. Social Impact
  • Graphic design can drive social change. Campaigns for environmental sustainability, human rights, and public awareness leverage powerful visuals to mobilize communities and advocate for important causes.

Celebrating World Graphic Design Day

World Graphic Design Day is celebrated in various ways, with activities and events that bring together the global design community. Here are some common ways people and organizations mark the occasion:

  1. Design Exhibitions and Conferences
  • Many cities host design exhibitions and conferences showcasing the work of local and international designers. These events provide a platform for designers to share their work, exchange ideas, and network.
  1. Workshops and Webinars
  • Educational institutions and design organizations often hold workshops and webinars focusing on different aspects of graphic design. These sessions offer learning opportunities for both aspiring and experienced designers.
  1. Design Competitions
  • Design competitions are a popular way to celebrate World Graphic Design Day. Competitions challenge designers to create innovative and impactful work, often based on a specific theme or cause.
  1. Community Projects
  • Some designers and organizations take this day as an opportunity to give back to the community. This could involve pro bono work for non-profits, community art projects, or design initiatives aimed at solving local problems.
  1. Online Campaigns
  • Social media plays a big role in the celebrations. Designers share their work using hashtags like #WorldGraphicDesignDay, participate in online discussions, and collaborate on virtual projects.

Inspiring Stories from the Design World

World Graphic Design Day is also a time to reflect on inspiring stories from the design world. Here are a few notable examples:

  1. Milton Glaser’s Iconic Designs
  • Milton Glaser, the creator of the “I ♥ NY” logo, showed how simple, powerful design can become a cultural icon. His work continues to inspire designers to create meaningful and memorable visuals.
  1. The Impact of Social Design
  • Designers like Emily Pilloton, founder of Project H Design, use design to address social issues. Pilloton’s work in education and community development demonstrates the potential of design to drive positive social change.
  1. Innovative Branding Projects
  • The rebranding of Airbnb by DesignStudio is a case study in how thoughtful design can transform a brand’s image and customer perception. The new logo and brand identity helped position Airbnb as a global, community-focused company.


World Graphic Design Day is a celebration of the creativity, skill, and influence of graphic designers. It’s a day to honor the contributions of designers to our visual culture and to inspire future generations to pursue and innovate in the field of design. As we recognize the importance of graphic design, we also acknowledge its power to communicate, educate, and bring about change. So, whether you’re a professional designer, a student, or simply an admirer of good design, take a moment on April 27th to appreciate the art and science of graphic design and its impact on our world.

The first design book in history

It’s the Book of Kells. We believe that our profession is very modern and it is not true. This book dates from the Celtic period, around the year 476. Can you imagine an agency there? Sure it was very different, but they took the first steps to get to who we are today and we owe them a lot. They were really perfectionists. That begins in the two letters that appear on its cover and goes through integrating each design that we can see in the rest of the book.

Picture by Upklyak

Do you want to know more about the history of design? We recommend this book so that you can take a look at everything that has happened up to the present day.

The world’s first Christmas card

We have normalized frames with mistletoe and little bells or the red bows that surround them nowadays, but there was a time (as it happens with everything) in which Christmas cards did not exist. And it was John Horsley Callcott in 1843 who made that first commission that you can now visit at the Charles Dickens Museum in London.

Do you want to see how it has been performed over the years? You just have to visit our page to discover how users have adapted it to each of their styles.

Picture by Pikisuperstar

Handmade magazine covers

Can you imagine painting 300 magazine covers by hand? Well, now imagine doing it with 13,000. That’s what Feliz Scheinberg did, a man who wallpapered the floor of his entire apartment after convincing a publishing house to let him carry out this commission to show that it was not the end of the era of printing on paper. So he illustrated them one by one and that print run was, without a doubt, one of the most special ones in history.

And even if it’s not at the same level, do you want to try one of the most shared creative challenges in the world? Take a look at the version of this artist and try your own.

Woody Allen

From the moment we start designing, people tell us to try new techniques, to get out of the box when thinking and to walk through different styles to never get stuck. But also that we find which type of designer or creator we are, and one of the most important film directors of all times took these words very seriously. His films are very characteristic, but one of those most recognized features is the Windsor typography, which one day he decided with the advice of Ed Benguiat, a guy who had breakfast next to him every day in the same cafeteria and who would mark the history of cinema without knowing. 

Can we take this opportunity to recommend that you run to see Midnight in Paris if you already haven’t.


Scott Fahlman was a university professor who would unintentionally change all of our lives from his job in Pennsylvania. There, in order to avoid mistakes and that no one would confuse a serious email with a humorous one, he began to add ☹ and 😊 at the end of them indicating hist students to read them backwards. Nowadays we already know that this has led to infinite emojis and that they are the solution to many conversations (also those in which we don’t know what to say)

If you want to see how we take emojis, you’ll have to wait until we celebrate their world day to see our faces!

Picture by Rawpixel.com

Designers are the best people in the world

This statement is not supported by science or by any prestigious university, but it is by us, who see it every day!

Congratulations to all!

  • April 27, 2022
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